2023 Michigan Communicable Disease Surveillance and Reporting Changes

The updated 2023 Reportable Diseases in Michigan list is now available. This is Michigan’s official list of mandatory reportable communicable disease conditions as described by the Michigan Communicable Disease Rules [Public Act 368 of 1978, 333.5111]. The Rules require MDHHS to annually review, update, and publish the list on the Department’s website.

The list is available in two formats:

The revised 2023 Healthcare Professional’s Guide to Disease Reporting in Michigan (MDHHS Brick Book) is also available.

A summary of changes can be found attached to this HAN message.  All documents can be found under “Communicable Disease Reporting in Michigan” at www.michigan.gov/cdinfo.  For questions regarding reportable diseases, please contact the MDHHS Communicable Disease Division at 517-335-8165.