Summer is here!
After a whirlwind spring session, the legislative calendar has calmed down for the summer. While that may provide a brief respite for the legislators, it’s time for us to get to work.
There are a lot of complex political issues affecting healthcare in our state. As the only PAC representing all Michigan physicians, the Michigan Doctors Political Action Committee (MDPAC) exists for one reason — to make the lives of Michigan physicians better.
We support legislators who support us, but we need money to attend fundraisers and contribute to political campaigns, and we have not yet reached our contribution goals.
This fall, we will see discussions around physician-led healthcare teams (HB 4472) and scope of practice for nurse practitioners (SB 279), both bills are already introduced in their respective chambers. Please contact your legislators and share your thoughts about scope of practice and the need for phycisician-led care. MSMS will continue advocating for Michigan physicians on vital issues like scope of practice, medical malpractice, prior authorization, step therapy, and telehealth. Be on the lookout for the introduction of a title transparency in healthcare bill as well!
Many times, physicians don’t tend to contribute to PACs for various reasons, and that often leaves our PAC underfunded and up against HUGE $$ on the other side of the table (nursing PACs, Healthcare Admin PACs and insurance PACs). We need to shift the power in discussions regarding medical care back to the physicians who actually provide the care.
Please help us — any amount is appreciated but we have asked people to consider $25/month or $300 annually. Any physician, employee or family member of a physician can contribute to MDPAC. You can support our work through a one-time contribution or set up monthly autopay at this link.
If there was ever a time for Michigan physicians to come together, it is now. Thank you for your consideration!
Leah C. Davis, DO
Michigan Doctors’ Political Action Committee
PO Box 950, East Lansing, MI 48826
(517)336-5788 contact us