Join Us For Michigan Overdose Prevention Coalition Advocacy Day!

You’re invited to join the Michigan Overdose Prevention Coalition (MOPC) for Advocacy Day on May 10, 2023, in Lansing, Michigan, to connect with elected officials about the challenges of Michigan’s opioid epidemic.

Register now at:

MOPC Advocacy Day will include:

  • Breakfast and lunch
  • Guest speakers
  • Legislation overview
  • Advocacy tips and tools to engage lawmakers
  • Meetings with individual lawmakers

Why Should You Participate?

  • Hearing directly from constituents is vital for legislators to make decisions based on the needs of their community.
  • These meetings allow you to help realize the MOPC’s mission to advocate for syringe service program legislation and educate lawmakers about the benefits of harm reduction efforts.
  • When you sign up, McCall Hamilton will schedule the meetings with legislators from your area for you.

McCall Hamilton, with support from Public Sector Consultants, will assist you with talking points and advocacy tips, and tools to engage lawmakers. Register now at